Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cui Bono?

Cui Bono in Latin means “Who benefits?” It’s a principle that probable responsibility for an act or event lies with one having something to gain

What is a misuse of public funds? The starting point for any analysis concerning the misuse of public funds begins with the principle that public funds must be expended for an authorized public purpose. An expenditure is made for a public purpose when its purpose is to benefit the public interest rather than private individuals or private purposes.

The misuse of public funds occurs when the personal benefit conferred by a public expenditure is not merely incidental. The term “public funds” is not limited to money, but includes anything of value belonging to a public agency such as equipment, supplies, compensated staff time, and use of telephones, computers, and fax machines and other equipment and resources.

The city administration is poised to donate (we understand that it’s already committed) $8,477.00 of the taxpayer’s monies to a 501(c) 3 entity which created and is planning to have a month long “Christmas in Alexandria” celebration at the Village Green Shopping Center.

This is a collaboration of at least one elected city official and a city merchant.

What is the purpose of this event? If you answered, “advance self-serving commercial interests” go to the head of the class.

In this era of scarce resources for the city (or really at any time) this is a flagrant misuse of taxpayer’s money (and possibly illegal).

If merchants want to throw this celebration which is in their best interests then we say go for it but don’t ask the taxpayer to help finance it. Pay for it yourself just like any other advertising.

We know we will hear that this is all for charity but if they pull it off the taxpayer will still be out the $8,477.00 that at least one elected official wants the city to kick in. We’ll see if the rest of our elected officials support this and play loose with taxpayer’s monies. If they do, shame on them.

The city is already cutting $10,000.00 out of the budget that would discontinue funding dental insurance for all employees but funding this debacle instead.

Fix pot holes, finance the police department, provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens but don’t spend one dime of the taxpayer’s money to help finance this pie in the sky, feel good, self aggrandizing scheme.