Here are some links that you might find helpful.
We will be adding more of them from time to time.
Here you can find a myriad of information including the names and photos of elected officials and city employees including the police department, city ordinances, zoning ordinances, comprehensive plan and minutes from the Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings and more.City of Alexandria Web Site
The Open Records and Open Meetings Acts
Kentucky’s laws on open records and open meetings insure your right to know how your government operates. It is important that you understand your rights under those laws. The brochure located at this link Protecting your right to know provides an overview of the Open Records and Open Meetings Acts, and is designed to aid you in understanding your rights. It contains a description of the general requirements of the laws, the procedures you must follow in using them, the exceptions that may be invoked in appropriate circumstances, and the role of the Attorney General in interpretation and enforcement. Please note that the italicized and bulleted text reflects the courts’ and the Attorney General’s interpretation of the Acts. Because the Attorney General’s Office acts as an impartial tribunal in open records and open meetings appeals the Attorney General’s Office cannot advise you in particular cases. The information should, however, prove useful to you in protecting your right to know.
Kentucky Open Meetings and Open Records Laws, Statutes and Q&A