Monday, March 14, 2011

Village Green offers reward for copper theft and damage

The owners of the Village Green Shopping Center will be offering a reward in connection with the theft of copper and damage of property in connection with the theft.

Details will be posted here within the next few days.


Reward offered in Alexandria copper thefts

1:39 pm, Mar 15, 2011 | Written by Chris Mayhew

A $1,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of suspects or accomplices in the theft of copper coils and compressors from a vacant store space in Alexandria Village Green Shopping Center sometime between March 1 and March 4.

The copper and compressor thefts were from six heating and air-conditioning units damaged beyond repair on a 50,000-square-foot vacant space in the shopping center, according to an e-mail from Scott McFall, regional property manager for Phillips Edison & Co. No surveillance images were obtained, according to McFall.

To provide a tip call McFall at 513-746-2553 or e-mail:

There are currently no suspects in connection with the copper thefts, said Alexandria Police Department Lt. George Schreiner. The thefts from heating and air-conditioning units at the shopping center have similarities to other thefts in Cincinnati, Schreiner said. Investigators are working to see if there are any connections linking the Alexandria thefts to suspects in the Cincinnati copper thefts, he said.

Source on Campbell County Connects