When Alexandria Mayor Bill Rachford was running for office one of the campaign promises he made was that he would be accessible to the citizens. He is making good on that promise.
He was in council chambers Saturday morning February 5th from 10:00 a.m. till noon providing his ear along with coffee, cookies and donuts to anyone who wanted to stop by and chat.
Prior to the event he said he wasn’t sure if people would drop by or he would set there alone for two hours drinking coffee by him self. He wasn’t disappointed as there was a steady stream of citizens coming and going for the full two hours.
He was joined by a couple of council members, ethics committee members and planning and zoning commission members to lend a hand if anyone might have comments or questions for them.
We declare this a successful event and time well spent.
No meeting, no agenda, no decisions made. Just honest and open government.
It’s a breath of fresh air for Alexandria and we like it.