Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Campbell / Kenton / State Anti-Smoking issue articles

After Campbell County was manipulated by Kenton County to vote first on the smoking ban now Kenton County does not want to be the only county with the ban. Can we guess why?

All this would be amusing if it were not so goofy.

Thanks to Campbell’s new fiscal court for undoing what the coward lame ducks waited until after the general election to do.

Also this posting lists what is going on in Frankfort on this issue.

We should all be glad that Greg Stumbo relies on his wife for his legislative ideas.


Arlinghaus: If Campbell revokes ban, so should Kenton

INDEPENDENCE - If Campbell Fiscal Court repeals its countywide ordinance prohibiting smoking inside public places, Kenton County Judge-executive Steve Arlinghaus will recommend that Kenton Fiscal Court also revoke that county's smoking legislation.

Campbell Fiscal Court's three county commissioners, led by newly elected Pete Garrett, indicated last week that they plan to revoke the smoke-free ordinance, likely within two meetings, the Enquirer previously reported.

"If Campbell County takes the lead and decides to initiate a policy opposite of what they have today, basically no ban at all, then I will bring that up to this fiscal court, that they should seriously consider the same thing," Arlinghaus said after Tuesday's Kenton Fiscal Court meeting.

Click here to read the complete article


Stumbo's bill would target smokers in cars with children

Smoking in a vehicle where a child under 17 is present would be illegal under a bill filed by House Speaker Greg Stumbo.

A person in a vehicle with a child could not smoke "cigars, cigarettes or other tobacco in any form" under House Bill 216.

Click here to read the complete article


Lexington lawmaker proposes statewide smoking ban

FRANKFORT — State lawmakers on Thursday filed the first bill calling for a statewide ban on smoking in or near the entrances of workplaces and public places, including restaurants, bars, hotels and bingo halls.

Rep. Susan Westrom, D-Lexington, the primary sponsor, said it would be "a miracle" if the General Assembly approved her bill this year, although House and Senate leaders from both parties have expressed support for a statewide smoking ban.

Click here to read the complete article

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