Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Smoking ban passes

Members of the Campbell County Fiscal Court voted 3-1 at the Wednesday evening, December 15, 2010 meeting to create a comprehensive indoor smoking ban.

Voting for the smoking ban were Commissioners Dave Otto and Mark Hayden who were attending their final fiscal court meeting and Judge-Executive Steve Pendry. Commissioner Ken Rechtin voted against the ban.

There was an amendment to the bill that would have exempted bars under certain circumstances but it was not adopted.

Anti-smokers cheered as the bill was passed but with two new commission members Brian Painter and Pete Garrett taking office January 1, the ban may be reversed before it takes affect on April 15.

Painter and Garrett were elected to the commission to replace Mark Hayden who did not run for re-election, and Dave Otto who was defeated in his bid for re-election. Painter and Garrett have both indicated that they are not in favor of a smoking ban.

We don’t think the dust has settled on this issue yet.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Changed council making plans

The following article appeared on and is reprinted here for your convenience.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Something worth considering?

Cold Spring hired a full-time city administrator in November 2008.

Upon review the city decided that this position as full time was not necessary.

The current city administrator decided he did not want to be a part time employee and so has decided to move on.

Cold Spring is looking to fill the position on a part-time basis saving the city money while providing the current level of service.

The full-time position paid $60,000 a year (we imagine that would be plus benefits). The part-time position will pay between $25 and $35 per hour for 25 hours per week.

Mayor Mark Stoeber said the salary will be closer to the $25 per hour wage.

Should it be time for the City of Alexandria to follow suit and analyze if it is possible to reduce expenses while still delivering the current quality of services?

Click here to read the complete article on NKY.COM.

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Opposition to smoking ban grows

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.   --  C.S. Lewis

The following article appears at NKY.COM and is reprinted here for your convenience.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Audit review shows Alexandria deficit reduced

An initial draft of an independent auditor's review of the City of Alexandria's finances reveal an 18 percent reduction in overall debt (a reduction of $211,657), and a surplus or reserve fund of about $1.04 million.

Click here to read more