Thursday, November 4, 2010

The times they are a-changin . . .

The title is the name of an old Bob Dylan tune and no where is that more apparent than the election of a new mayor to lead Alexandria for the next four years.

Bill Rachford, the city’s new mayor is the polar opposite of Dan McGinley.

Mr. Rachford has an outgoing, friendly personality that people that work for or have dealings with the city will find refreshing. The sense of superiority, lack of a pleasant personality, deviousness, and sour attitude will become a thing of the past come January 1.

After twelve years of Dan McGinley a change was due.

Mr. McGinley could be an oppressive leader and we’re sure that most city employees are breathing a sigh of relief. Those that aren’t have had it way to cushy too long. Favoritism and cronyism have been a way of life in the city way too long.

We’re confident that Mr. Rachford is intellectuality up to the task, has the backbone to make the hard calls and will not be prone to the cronyism that has been so prevalent in and around city hall for the last twelve years. We hope that a clean break will be made with some people that have been a negative influence and hangers-on for years.

Congratulations Bill Rachford. You were elected because the voters want to see changes. We are looking for great things from you.

Along with Mr. Rachford there will be two new faces on city council and one that will be departing.

While we do admit that there were a few surprises here we are also confident that we will have a good group setting in the city council seats.

Trust, cooperation, fairness and transparency are keys to having a successful city government and we’re hopeful that these traits will become readily apparent from the start beginning January 1.

We also wish to caution the new mayor and council to be careful from whom they take council and advice.

Lloyd Rogers who was rejected by the voters in his attempt for re-election has long been considered, by this blog and others, a polarizing force. It will be best if his is given a wide berth if, and when, he approaches you with suggestions, tips and advice. If you make him feel too comfortable he will certainly be a negative for you.

Where does this blog go from here?

Now that the elections are over the blog needs a facelift.

We will be removing the “Important Election Dates” in the left hand side bar as they are no longer relevant.

We will also be removing or archiving posts that primarily dealt with the election now that the outcome is certain.

We will however continue posting articles of interest concerning Alexandria and community.

We will also keep an eye on and post articles on the happenings at city hall.

Good, bad or ugly we will attempt to continue keeping you informed.
