Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring Shopping Fling at the Community Center

This commercial ad is currently running on the web. Since we have heard that the Alexandria Community Center is probably running at a deficit we think the ad should contain a disclosure statement –

Activities at the Community Center may be underwritten by the taxpayers of Alexandria.

In August 2010 we posted an article, Community Center finances, questioning financial sustainability in regard to operating the Community Center. No one seems to know if operating the Community Center pays for itself or if it is a drain on the taxpayer.

Let’s see: Become a promoter, rent the Community Center, sell table space to vendors who wish to participate in your event, sell food, charge admission at the door, at the end of the day count your money and go home.

We don’t know if the city broke even but we do know that someone made money.


Click here for the ad on the web . . .