Monday, August 29, 2011

Alexandria weighing flea market idea

We’ve been told the person that approached the mayor on this wants to run a full time business.

Why doesn’t the person proposing this great idea take it to Cold Spring, Highland Heights or the county?

Because we don’t believe that they would want anything to do with it.

If Alexandria really gets serious about this (we hope they don’t) and wants to entertain the guy (we’re pretty sure we know who he is) that’s proposing this nutty idea then say hello to problems and issues that some may consider insensitive and too politely incorrect to mention here.

We can’t believe one of our elected officials would even bring something like this up much less support it.

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Alexandria weighing flea market idea

By Chris Mayhew • 11:59 am, Aug 29, 2011

ALEXANDRIA – Mayor Bill Rachford said he’s been approached about the idea of having a flea market in town at the Aug. 18 meeting

Rachford said it’s only an idea, but what has been suggested was to allow flea markets on four or five-acre plots of land by a private operator.

One of the locations that was brought up as a potential site for a flea market was at the old Thriftway grocery store lot, he said.

Council member Stacey Graus said he thought if there was going to be a flea market use allowed in the city it should be something special and only held a couple of times a year.

“I mean I’m fine with it,” Graus said. “I don’t want to make it every week.”

Council member Dave Hart said if the city were to allow any flea markets in city limits the cost for police protection needed to be considered.

City Attorney Mike Duncan said if the city were to consider ever allowing flea markets it would require a text amendment to a zone.

“By omission, they’re not a permitted use in any of the zones,” Duncan said.

First comment posted on following the article –


2:56 PM on August 29, 2011

I thought the last Mayor was a joke, this guy is even funnier. Why don't we let the circus come to town, never mind, the real circus is happening when the city government meets.

The city government ought to think of how to get real business in town and keep them. Why do you need a flea market, when you have all of these Street sales poping [sic] up? One that is coming up is the Wood Stone Subdivision Annual Sale, and this is a pain in the butt if you live in this Subdivision. You have all types of people from all walks of life coming into a neighborhood to case it, you have Streets so congested, that if there was a fire, the Fire Department could not get to the fire, you have people selling food prepared food items like they were a resturaunt [sic], and much more.

Come on City Government of Alexandria, do something that is going to bringt [sic] possible jobs in the area. You want a Flea Market, you are only going to add to the probelms [sic] that already exist.

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